Bernard Lewis Visiting Lecturers Fellowship
The fellowship is named after Bernard Lewis (1899-1993), a founding member of The Combustion Institute. The purpose of the Bernard Lewis Visiting Lecturers Fellowship is to financially assist lecturers to cross the borders of their countries and visit institutions within a CI Section. The fellowship covers travel expenses to the visiting region and an honorarium for sharing expertise in combustion. CI associated institutions are encouraged to submit a proposal for a visiting lecturer.
Proposals must specify the following:
- The lecturer, including his/her affiliation and position and a curriculum vitae
- A list of the most important publications and accomplishments within the last 3 years (restricted to 2 pages)
- Lecturing period (typically two weeks)
- Institutions where the lectures are to be conducted
- Number and titles of lectures
- Contact information of the host institution that agrees to coordinate the visit
- A letter from the representatives of the institution outlining the advantages of the proposed lecture tour, especially in terms of promoting education and encouraging research in combustion
- Statement that the institution will cover local expenses
- An estimate of travel expenses
Submit proposals and questions about the Bernard Lewis Visiting Lecturers Fellowship to the CI office:
2017: The fifth fellowship was awarded to the China Section of The Combustion Institute. Professor Matthias Ihme, Stanford University, United States, visited six institutions in China and delivered 15 lectures on combustion research issues related to energy, the environment, and fundamental aspects of combustion. Those topics spanned subject areas of turbulent reacting flows, alternative fuel-transition, multiphase combustion, advanced combustion concepts, and numerical methods for combustion. Each lecture was proceeded by engaging student discussions, laboratory tours, and student-seminars to exchange research ideas.
2009: The fourth fellowship was awarded to the India Section of The Combustion Institute. Professor Ben Zinn, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States, visited six institutions in India. He delivered seven lectures on topics that included smart combustors, active control of combustion instabilities, and ultra-low emissions stagnation point for reverse flow combustors. The lecture series proved to encourage collaborations and foster scientific interactions among the international combustion science community.
2007: The third fellowship was awarded to the Spain Section of The Combustion Institute. Dr. Jong Soo Kim, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea, visited several institutions in Spain. He delivered lectures on topics that included oxyfuel combustion in pulverized coal power plants for CO2 capture, and flame instability, in particular, its implication to oxyfuel combustion. The lecture series explored how oxy-fuel combustion with ITM (IonTransfer Membrane) oxygen production or with SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) is very likely susceptible to oscillatory instability, due to high heat transfer required to transfer oxygen ion across the ceramic membrane.
2006: The second fellowship was awarded to the Australia and New Zealand Section of The Combustion Institute. Professor Larry Baxter, Brigham Young University, United States, attended the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC5) and visited several institutions in Australia. The lecture series concentrated on aspects of biomass combustion. Prof. Baxter is internationally recognized for his broad and distinguished research efforts in the impact of fuel impurities on combustion systems, development of renewable energy technologies (biomass and black liquor), optimization of fossil energy systems (coal, oil, and gas), and combustion modeling.
2005: The first fellowship was awarded to the Taiwan Section of The Combustion Institute. Professor Paul D. Ronney, University of Southern California, United States, visited several institutions in Taiwan and delivered lectures on topics that spanned combustion, flame, and application. Prof. Ronney is a renowned scholar in flame, micropower generation and novel combustion systems. He is internationally recognized for his series of flame experiments on space flight. The lecture series provided forums to discuss combustion related scientific payload in space fight and achievements of various micropower generation and microfluidic systems.