Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal
The Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal recognizes exceptional scientific contributions having a major impact on combustion applications or combustion research. The Gold Medal is presented biennially to one scientist during the International Symposium on Combustion.
The Gold Medal is named after Jürgen Warnatz (1944-2007), a former managing director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg, Germany. He also served as a chair of the German Section of The Combustion Institute. Warnatz pioneered a research approach on modelling and simulation of chemical reactive flows, particularly looking at the molecular reactions involved and transport processes. His life’s work and publications influenced the application of combustion science around the world.
The Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal is one of the highest awards of The Combustion Institute, presented biennially during the International Symposium on Combustion. Gold Medals are bestowed upon scientists whose major contributions have significantly advanced their fields of combustion science.
2024: Tiziano Faravelli
2022: Marcus Aldén
2020: Michael Frenklach
2018: Assaad Masri
2016: Henning Bockhorn