Bernard Lewis Gold Medal

The Bernard Lewis Gold Medal recognizes brilliant research in the field of combustion. The Gold Medal is presented biennially to one scientist during the International Symposium on Combustion.

The Gold Medal is named after Bernard Lewis (1899-1993), a founding member of The Combustion Institute. As a physical chemist in the Chief Explosives and Physical Sciences Division of the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Lewis was a pioneer in theoretical and experimental combustion research. In this position Lewis directed research in combustion, flames, explosions, and explosives.

After retiring from the U.S. Bureau of Mines in 1953, Lewis organized Combustion and Explosives Research, Inc. to better understand combustion phenomena. He served that organization as president until 1986. The applied work he accomplished in those years was the hallmark of a scientific career that stressed the application of fundamental science as a solution to practical problems. Lewis’ lifetime of work and his passion to help young scientists shaped the modern field of combustion research.

The Bernard Lewis Gold Medal is one of the highest awards of The Combustion Institute, presented biennially during the International Symposium on Combustion. Gold Medals are bestowed upon scientists whose major contributions have significantly advanced their fields of combustion science.


2024: Ahmed F. Ghoniem

2022: Hideaki Kobayashi

2020: Peter Glarborg

2018: Jacqueline Chen

2016: Robert J. Kee

2014: Lawrence Harding

2012: Brian S. Haynes

2010: Jürgen Wolfrum

2008: Charles K. Westbrook

2006: James A. Miller

2004: Toshisuke Hirano

2002: Fred C. Lockwood

2000: Antonio D’Alessio

1998: K.N.C. Bray

1996: Jürgen Troe

1994: K.H. Homann

1992: Jack B. Howard

1990: Forman A. Williams

1988: Hiroshi Tsuji

1986: George H. Markstein

1984: Ya B. Zeldovich

1982: Brian Spalding

1980: Felix J. Weinberg

1978: Peter Gray

1976: Guenther von Elbe

1974: Charles P. Fenimore

1972: Heinz Gg. Wagner

1970: Bela Karlovitz

1968: Philip Bowden

1966: V.N. Kondratiev

1964: R.G.W. Norrish

1962: G.B. Kistiakowsky

1960: A.G. Gaydon

1958: Bernard Lewis