page166Dear colleagues,

Today, I would like to give you a short update on Combustion Institute matters. In Warsaw, many of you expressed interest in knowing about “what’s up in the Institute” at times between the International Symposia. Our short news items like the present one are a first attempt to keep you informed while Marcus Aldén, Hideaki Kobayashi, and Barbara Waronek work on a more effective communication process to be established.

The office has adopted a regular teleconference meeting schedule, with biweekly meetings of President, Vice Presidents and Barbara Waronek, and monthly meetings of the Executive Committee. Also, regular meetings of the Finance Committee are scheduled. We have held the first electronic Executive Committee meeting since Warsaw on Sept. 4, and established a successful pattern covering our time zones from close to midnight in Japan, afternoon in Europe, and (very early) morning in the USA. Agenda items have addressed (i) the status of the By-Laws discussion, (ii) some issues with publishing, (iii) remaining aspects from the 34th Symposium including some financial details, (iv) pre-planning of the 35th Symposium, (v) assessment of the office situation and workflow, (vi) and a process and timeline for providing international members access to the membership space on the Combustion Institute’s web page. An (electronic) meeting with the editors of the two journals, the Program Co-Chairs, and the office is planned, which will also provide the opportunity to discuss the submission and publishing process for the next Symposium. Further, a proposal was discussed to host a Young Scientist Welcome Mixer at the 35th Symposium.

Should there be any upcoming business items – good ideas from individuals to requests of sections – to be brought to the Executive Committee, these will now have a chance to be addressed in a timely fashion. We anticipate that Board meetings will also be held electronically between the International Symposia, and the first one of those is tentatively planned for early 2013.

Minutes from the meetings of the Finance Committee and Executive Committee in Warsaw are available and approved. Please find a short summary of each of these meetings below.

We welcome your ideas!

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus for the Executive Committee


Finance Committee Meeting August 2, 2012

1. Investment Strategy: Reviewed the financial position of the Institute; discussed and decided on investment strategy. Some options will be explored by Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee.

2. Spending Issues: Authorized normal office expenses and funds for President and Vice-President for Section Affairs to perform Combustion Institute business.

3. Risks to the Institute: Discussed insurance issues and identified sources for risks.

4. Financial Reporting: Decided to develop 2-year budget plan to be presented to the Board.

5. Finance Committee Operation: Decided on quarterly electronic meetings and voting procedure.

6. New Business: Discussed staffing in the office and status of formal work agreements.


Executive Committee Meeting August 3, 2012

1. Membership Identification: Discussed plan to identify and connect members from all sections (action for: Aldén, Kobayashi, Waronek).

2. By-Laws: Discussed process and timeline for intended By-Laws revision (action for: Mitchell, By-Law Committee).

3. Website: Decided to present information on Combustion Institute matters regularly (action for: Kohse-Höinghaus).

4. Transparency: Discussed to ensure timely information of members on Combustion Institute business; present idea to create a members’ zone for information to host agendas, minutes, decisions and important documents; process will need Agenda Item 1 to be successfully completed (action for: all).

5. Meeting Schedule: Decided on intended meeting schedule for Executive Committee (monthly) and Board (6 months) with suitable electronic meeting tool (action for: Waronek, Kohse-Höinghaus).

6. Business Rules: Discussed review of all current operating procedures in the office with the aim to establish written procedures and guidelines, assess work flow, staffing, deadlines, financial policies (action for: Driscoll, Dunn-Rankin, Waronek).

7. Budget Planning: Discussed to work with Finance Committee to establish (bi-)annual budget plan with the goal to present budget information to Board and Membership (action for: Dunn-Rankin, Lucas, Kohse-Höinghaus, Waronek).