Online Course – Fundamentals of Thermo-Acoustic Instabilities
Coupling between acoustic waves and flames has become a central issue in the development of many modern combustion systems. This course presents the theoretical background needed to tackle such problems.
Next sessions
--From Monday, 4 May 2020 to Friday, 29 May 2020.
--Price: students : 300 € – Cerfacs shareholders : 360 € – others : 504 € (TTC)
Coupling between acoustic waves and flames has become a central issue in the development of many modern combustion systems because of both environmental issues (noise) and the destructive interactions which acoustics can generate in combustors. Numerical tools are essential in many flames/acoustics studies but a theoretical background in acoustics and especially in acoustics for reacting flows is mandatory to tackle such problems.
Scientific content
This online training course presents the fundamental concepts of thermo-acoustic instabilities. The course content is divided in 3 consecutive weeks:
--Week 1: Introduction of the phenomena
--Week 2: Laws of 1D acoustic in tubes
--Week 3: Interaction between a flame and acoustic
An interactive live conference will close the session and will deal with an application case where you will try to predict the stability of a system. This conference will be held during week 4.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this training, you will be able to:
--Explain the origin of thermo-acoustic instabilities in a combustor,
--Evaluate the natural frequency of a combustor,
--Make recommendations to make an unstable system become stable.
This is a fully online training session. It is divided into 5 consecutive weeks, based on learning activities delivered each week.
--Week 1 to week 3 require around 2 hours of work per week. Learning activities are released on Monday of each week and you have 7 days to complete each week's activities. The 2 hours of work can be distributed over the week, depending on your schedule.
--A 1 hour live interactive session will hold during week 4. This live session will deal with an applicative case. This live session will also be recorded.
--Last week is dedicated to revising and a final exam, leading to a certificate of learning.
Our pedagogical principles
All our learning sessions are built upon evidence-based principles from cognitive psychology and learning research:
--concepts first: the course is focused on conceptual understanding of the meaning of equations and how they apply in practical cases (Van Heuvelen, 1991).
--active learning: the course is organized around activities especially designed to make participants interact between each other, involving a deep processing of the scientific content previously shown in short videos (Salmon, 2013).
--long-term retention and transfer: because you need to apply what you will learn during this session in the future and in various contexts, our courses are designed using the 10 laboratory-tested principles drawn from cognitive psychology (Halpern and Hakel, 2003).
Be prepared to be engaged and to interact with a community sharing a common goal: learning the scientific content of this course.
While this course is not focused on mathematical aspects, you need to have a clear understanding of Navier Stokes equations and a background in mathematical analysis, in particular with complex number notation.
If you want to contact us, please fill the following contact form.
The list of all online courses given at CERFACS is here: