The Combustion Institute is pleased to announce the invited speakers for the 38th International Symposium on Combustion in Adelaide, Australia. Throughout symposium week, experts in their respective fields will give plenary lectures and topical reviews on advancements in combustion science. During the opening session, participants will attend the Hottel Lecture, named after the late Hoyt C. Hottel (1903–1998), professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States, and co-founder of The Combustion Institute.

Refer to the listing below for invited speakers (in alphabetical order) and their scientific topics. A speaker schedule and full presentation titles will be announced in the coming months.

Hottel Lecture

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Universität Bielefeld
Combustion Chemistry

Plenary Lectures

Yiguang Ju
Princeton University
Cool Flames

Naian Liu
University of Science and Technology of China
Fire Research 

Assaad Masri
The University of Sydney
Turbulent Combustion 

Rich Yetter
The Pennsylvania State University

Topical Reviews

Sukesh Roy
Spectral Energies
Pulse Burst Applications in Combustion 

Raman Sujith
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras
Dynamical Systems Application in Unsteady Combustion Problems

Akira Umemura
Nagoya University
Spray/Droplet Dynamics in Supercritical Ambiences

Bin Yang
Tsinghua University
Combustion Kinetics

The 38th Symposium will convene in Adelaide, Australia from Sunday, 12 July through Friday, 17 July 2020. The biennial symposium provides a scientific venue for sharing ideas and experiences on the development and applications of combustion science.

Questions regarding the 38th International Symposium on Combustion may be directed to: