As we approach the end of the year, many of us will reflect on what we have learned throughout 2017, and what we hope to achieve in 2018. When I consider the achievements of our international combustion community this year, I am thankful for the support of many people.

In the past year, our institute formed the new Fellows Committee to honor distinguished, outstanding contributions to combustion. We supported two successful Combustion Institute-Summer Schools (CI-SS) and have accepted proposals for three programs next year. Several members have also formed an Early Career Advisory Committee to provide the Executive Committee advice on programs and new initiatives from the perspective of early career scientists and practitioners.

Planning is well underway for the 37th International Symposium on Combustion in Dublin, Ireland, and registration will soon be open in early 2018. I am also pleased with the high level of submitted manuscripts for the symposium, which reflects so many scientific advancements of our members around the world.

The year ahead is filled with exciting opportunities. We will continue to improve upon our outreach. At the beginning of the year, we launched the new Account Management System (AMS) as part of The Combustion Institute website. That initiative will continue to expand to provide a superior platform for CI Sections to organize meetings and other events. We will also continue to increase our communications initiatives, as we incorporate the ideas of young scientists and participate in so many evolving communications technologies and dynamics.

During these final weeks of 2017, it’s my hope that you can spend some valuable time with your family and friends. Your continued support of The Combustion Institute allows our members to advance scientific research that leads to countless benefits for society.

–James F. Driscoll, President