15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2025)
The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC) will be held on 18 – 22 May 2025 at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre. It will be hosted by the Singapore Section of the Combustion Institute. With the theme of “build a zero-carbon and sustainable future”, the ASPACC will feature a comprehensive technical program, reflecting the significant growth and evolving scope of combustion research in the Asia-Pacific region. Scientists and engineers are invited to submit high quality research papers to ASPACC-2025.
Important Dates:
September 15, 2024: ASPACC paper submissions open
December 01, 2024: Deadline for contributed (4-page or 8-page) papers (23:59 PST)
February 01, 2025: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection for presentation at ASPACC
February 28, 2025: Deadline for submission of WiPP abstracts (23:59 PST)
March 14, 2025: Notification of WiPP abstract acceptance
Local Organizers:
Huangwei Zhang, National University of Singapore
Wai Lee Chan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Steering Committee Chairs:
Siew Hwa Chan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Assaad Masri, The University of Sydney
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Huangwei Zhang, National University of Singapore
Zheng Chen, Peking University
Mani Sarathy, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
If you are interested in organizing a satellite workshop before or after ASPACC in Singapore, please contact Prof. Huangwei Zhang (huangwei.zhang@nus.edu.sg) or Prof. Wai Lee Chan (chan.wl@ntu.edu.sg). For any questions regarding the paper submission process or conference details, please contact the ASPACC 2025 Organizing Committee at aspacc-information@kit-group.org or visit our website https://www.aspacc2025.org